Jerry Cox

Sculptor Painter Photographer

Looking deep into the perfection of God’s creation, and our place in it.



I love Iconic simplified themes that tell a story. My Sculptures combine woodturning, carving and combining different elements. I have collected exotic woods for 40 years, each one can be used like colors on a painter's palette.


Since I was very young I have loved landscape and nature photography, God has truly made a wonderous world! Check out this Gallery. I also like to have fun, Photography can be a very spontaneous Artform!

Drawing and Painting

In College I had 2 very influential professors, Paul Clervi impressed on me the importance of keeping one's drawings skills up and George Tutt, who instilled a love for Watercolor

I feel that when I create a work, I am trying to hold on to a perfect moment in time

Jerry Cox


Artist Statement

My love for simple pure form is always forefront in my thinking. I love iconic themes. Sculpture is my first love, and I think that’s where my talent resides. I cultivate all my skills in Woodworking, Photography, Drawing, Digital rendering and Painting because they are all intertwined in the creative process. 

portrait of the artist

Questions or comments

Whether you’re curious about works, or just want to talk processes or experiences, I would love to hear from you! Hit the button below